Pacifica Wealth Advisors was named “Top Dog” by Wealth Manager Magazine. For the past seven years, Wealth Manager Magazine ranks the star wealth management firms. Out of nearly 500 wealth management firms across the United States, we were ranked #37!
To be eligible for the Top Wealth Manager ranking, companies must be registered investment advisers, report more than $50 million in assets under advisement, have predominantly individual clients and offer financial planning services. Wealth Manager ranks organizations that meet these criteria by the size of their average client relationships, not by total assets, in order to highlight the firms with the wealthiest clientele.
Bloomberg Wealth Manager Top Dog is an annual ranking of Registered Investment Advisors who meet specific criteria. Firms must be a Registered Investment Advisor (“RIA”) with a minimum of $25 million in assets under management (AUM), offer financial planning services (as reported on form ADV), have more than 50% of client base consisting of “individuals” or “high-net-worth individuals” as defined by the SEC and have represented on the Wealth Manager questionnaire that comprehensive financial-planning services are provided in-house or through outsourcing. RIAs meeting these criteria are then ranked by average client account size. There is no fee to be included. Ranking is not based on client responses.Such awards are based on a myriad of potential factors and in no way imply that recipient firms are more or less qualified than other firms, on the list or otherwise.
About the Sudden Wealth Financial Advisor
Robert Pagliarini, PhD, CFP®, EA has over 26 years of financial planning and investment management for the suddenly wealthy. Robert is a CFP® Ambassador, one of only 50 in the country, and a fiduciary. He authored the book The Sudden Wealth Solution: 12 Principles to Transform Sudden Wealth Into Lasting Wealth in hopes to help those deal with sudden wealth and the emotions that come along with it. In addition to his Ph.D. in financial and retirement planning, he earned a Master's in Psychology to better understand and be equipped when helping clients manage a windfall. He has helped clients from across the United States who have received a windfall from an inheritance, lawsuit settlement, business sale, stock options, sports and entertainment contracts to make sense of their sudden wealth. When he is not helping the suddenly wealthy, you can find him writing personal finance books and articles for Forbes. If you're needing help managing wealth, contact Robert directly.