I've worked with hundreds of people who are preparing to retire and hundreds who are already in retirement. It has provided me with recognition and a deep understanding of what seems to lead to retirement happiness and success.
The countless clients from all walks of life have given me insight into what themes and actions work in the real world. A world-class retirement means different things to different people -- some want to sail the world and others want to take care of their grandkids. But I've noticed there are themes that increase the chance of retirement success -- what I call a Badass Retirement.
A Badass Retirement is not your ordinary average retirement.
It's a new way of thinking about retirement and life. At the core, it is about making investments across three broad areas of life and being able to answer nine questions confidently:

1. Create lifetime Income. Will I have to cut back or will I have enough income for my desired lifestyle?
2. Maximize portfolio longevity. Will I run out of money or will I have sufficient assets to last my entire life?
3. De-Risk finances. Will I worry about my finances or will I sleep well at night knowing my finances are secure?

4. Strengthen Purpose. Will I be bored or will I have meaning and drive that gets me out of bed?
5. Shape Values + Vision. Will I sacrifice what’s important to me or will I live the life I want?
6. Grow Relationships. Will I be lonely or will I have meaningful relationships?

7. Enhance Time. Will I squander my time or will I make the most of the rest of my life?
8. Build Resilience. Will I struggle when things go wrong or will I recover quickly?
9. Upgrade Health. Will I lack energy or will I feel strong and be in good health?

Meet the Financial Planner
Robert Pagliarini, PhD, CFP® is the founder of Pacifica Wealth Advisors and has nearly three decades of experience as a fiduciary financial advisor focused on retirement planning and managing sudden wealth.
You may have seen him on The Today Show, 20/20, Dr. Phil or Good Morning America as an expert in personal finance. Robert hold a Ph.D. in financial and retirement planning and is a Certified Financial Planner® practitioner as well as a CFP® Ambassador, one of less than 50 in the country!