Robert Pagliarini Selected As a “Wealth Advisor with a Heart” By Trust & Estates Journal
When Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines and devastated Molocabac Island in November 2013, Amazing Girls of the World sprung into action to provide struggling families with food and water and help them rebuild homes and schools.
“We try to help them see that they can be bigger than they are,” Robert explains. “While people are better off immediately with money, they’re far better off if they get skills and learn how to invest in and maximize their human capital. Once we make sure they have food and are safe, our focus becomes helping people in these communities become self-sufficient.”
Self-sufficiency is a skill Robert learned early on in his life. When he was 5 years old, Robert’s father left his mother, so she alone cared for Robert and his four siblings. Putting food on the table wasn’t easy. Robert went through school with the goal of becoming a psychologist. In 1996, to finance his intended graduate school education, he started working in a brokerage firm. “It was exciting to learn about investing and Wall Street,” Robert recounts.

Amazing Girls of the World
Robert Pagliarini is the co-founder of the Amazing Girls of the World, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to help under-served children in the United States and around the world. We take a decidedly entrepreneurial approach to charity that is similar to venture capital investing -- we find unique projects where we can leverage a small investment into a sustainable difference.
Our goal is to solve the cycle of poverty. Instead of giving handouts that provide a quick fix to a symptom, our objective is to radically change children’s lives—not just for the moment—but for their entire life. We make investments in facilities, land, and schools that provide sustainable benefits. Our objective is to create positive momentum that immediately benefit the children’s living conditions and to create an environment where they can continue to support themselves without relying on donations from others.
Children are first provided a safe, supportive, and disease free environment to learn and grow. We then encourage hope and success by offering school programs that will train them for specific jobs that are in demand in their regions.
Forever Footprints
Robert Pagliarini is on the advisory board of the Forever Footprints, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports parents who have lost a baby in pregnancy or infancy. The mission of Forever Footprints is to raise money for local organizations that support parents who have experienced miscarriage, pregnancy loss, or infant loss of any kind, as well as be a resource center for parents, doctors, nurses, hospitals, support groups, and anyone in need of support or information.
We Walk for the Steps our Babies Will Never Take
Proceeds from the walk go to local hospitals and support groups, as well as national organizations. The walk has helped fund memory box programs at several local hospitals, so parents have footprints, blankets, and other items to take home following their baby’s death. In addition, cameras and photo printers have been donated to local hospitals so photos can be taken of the baby and given to the parent. Forever Footprints also supports SHARE Pregnancy and Infant Loss organization, a national organization that helps parents all over the country who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss.

Innocence Project
This is an incredible non-profit that is committed to exonerating individuals who it claims have been wrongly convicted through the use of DNA testing and to reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. While we help our clients live richer, fuller, and more meaningful lives, we know that there are others who have been wrongly convicted of crimes and who desperately need help. We have been contributing to the Innocence Project for years and are proud of the work they do.
Wounded Warrior Project
We proudly support the courageous men and women who serve our country and the incredible work of the Wounded Warrior Project. Since 2003, the Wounded Warrior Project has been meeting the growing needs of warriors, their families, and caregivers – helping them achieve their highest ambition. The mission of Wounded Warrior Project is to honor and empower Wounded Warriors.
My father and uncles served in WWII and I have friends and clients who have served in Vietnam, Korea, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Iraq, and others. I cannot think of a better cause than to honor and empower those who sacrificed for us.