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Robert Pagliarini Featured on Redfin Guide to House Hunting for Aging Adults

House Hunting

Robert Pagliarini was recently featured in Redfin’s Ultimate Guide to House Hunting for Aging AdultsIf you’re nearing or already in retirement, Redfin offers advice on selling your current home and transitioning to the next.

“Most home buyers focus first and foremost on the purchase price, but of greater financial consideration are the ongoing costs of the new house. If you want your retirement nest egg to go further, consider moving to a lower or no income tax state. You can add hundreds of thousands of dollars to your retirement financial security by minimizing income taxes in retirement,” Robert advises.

Read the full article on Redfin’s blog:

The Ultimate Guide to House Hunting for Aging Adults


About the Retirement Financial Advisor

Robert Pagliarini, PhD, CFP®, EA is passionate about helping retirees build the retirement of their dreams. He has over 26 years of experience as a retirement financial advisor and holds a Ph.D. in retirement planning. In addition, he is a CFP® Ambassador, one of only 50 in the country, and a real fiduciary. His focus is on how to help make retirement portfolios last decades while providing a steady source of income. When he's not helping people plan their retirement, he can be found writing his forthcoming book, The Retirement Myth: Escape Average Retirement & Create a High Performance Retirement. If you would like a second opinion to see if your retirement financial plan will keep you comfortable and secure, contact Robert today.

Reach us at (949) 305-0500